Calipso Software
The Mecolpress Calypso System is a powerful software instrument that, thanks to a network of specific sensors and transducers on the press, collect up to 16 different parameters during each single forging cycle, all day long.
The recorded data are compared with the values set by the operator, for each of these it is checked that they stay inside a tolerance range (the width if which is decided by the operator) and in case one of these parameters in one cycle should result to be too different from what we had verified being the desired value, the piece forged during that specific “irregular” cycle is discharged in a separate area, to allow further controls.
In addition, the operator can program the system when this has to interrupt the automatic cycle production, after how many rejected pieces the machine shall suspend the production and wait for a human decision before to restart.
To go back to Einstein statement mentioned in the previous article, to be sure to do what I always did, and exactly in the same way I did it, I need an extremely reliable and precise process control and data collection system, and I also have to have an evaluation instrument of the collected data that allow me to have a true picture of how the forging cycle is performed, so to lead me to take decisions on the basis of reliable information.
Mecolpress Calypso does not only collect the typical data of the forging process for thousands of cycles, but create as well graphical representations of more than one parameter on the same graph to understand, for example, how the punches forward force is changing depending in relation with the billet temperature, and for all parameters show the variation trend over the time.
Mecolpress presses for the hot forging of metals are offering to you a production cycle analysis instrument that allow you the statistical forging process control, helping you to foresee when irregular deviation from the “nominal” process will arise, so that you can anticipate them and avoid that time and resources go lost in producing irregular parts and in sorting the good and the bad ones from a single container.