CastForge 2024
Stuttgart Trade Fair Center from 4 to 6 June.
Today costumers of the “Casting and Forging” field are looking for high-quality products ready for installation. As complexity and specific requests are constantly increasing, it is essential to stay on top with the latest news.
This Exhibition represents an important opportunity to meet face to face and discuss these topics in one of the largest markets in Europe.
For this reason, from 4 to 6 June 2024 Mecolpress will be in Stuttgart at Castforge Hall 5, Booth 5A37.
Augmented Reality, the press just a click away
On our stand it will be possible to view 2 Augmented Reality presses: ME hydraulic press and Heavy Mechanical Forging Presses.
This technology allows to add the multimedia virtual information to the actual view that is captured by the camera of mobile device, smartphone and/or tablet, enriching the surrounding viewing with additional digital contents.
Get your free ticket
To facilitate the visit and access in safety, it is appropriate to register to get the free admission ticket.
You can request it by simply filling out this form:
If the forging industrial process is stable and steady, it generates profit!
If the forging industrial process is stable and steady, it generates profit!
Today more than ever it is very important that the industrial process, in our case the hot forging one, remains stable and steady during operations time. As a matter of fact, by achieving this goal it is possible to generate profit.
The costs increase in raw materials, energy and specialized personnel is a more and more important and relevant constant for every manufacturing business. The profit of each order or job must always deal with these variables which can hardly be controlled.
The production stability can be controlled: the process must always be repeatable in the performances and must grant steady operative costs.
The metals hot forging is not an exception. Annual productions can reach tens of millions of pieces and each of these must be produced following the expected and planned parameters, the profit expectation must be guaranteed!
How is it possible to manage, monitor and correct tens of parameters, for millions of parts, granting the stability?
It is possible to grant the process stability even when millions of parts are produced and the process parameters are numerous, in this way:
=> monitoring the variability factors that influence each process to understand if they are under control or not by means of the statistical control.
=> Obtaining highest rigidities, forging force, and positioning precision.
=> Real time check of the behaviour of the main process parameters.
=> Modification of the main forging values without interrupting the production.
Statistics teaches that Cp and Cpk parameters are fundamental for controlling the progress of the forging process, for each variable in fact they are the key to understand its stability.
The example of the shooting with darts game allows you to quickly understand the concept:
a good Cp indicates that we are very repeatable in our shots, but it does not mean that we are hitting the target.
Only by obtaining a good Cpk, too, as a matter of fact, the optimal result is guaranteed!
=> Cp e Cpk must be much higher than one.
Let’s move on to a practical forging example:
Forging a batch of 25,000 water meters.
or forging a batch of 50,000 gas control valves
The dimensions of the forged parts are determined:
- by the surfaces of the part shape created in the die.
Cp depends on the presses rigidity performance and on the die design.
Cpk depends on the correct evaluation of the material shrinkage, which is related to the forging temperatures, to the part geometry and raw material chemical composition.
- by the punches involved in the material deformation.
Cp is obtained from punches rigidity and thrust force.
Cpk is obtained from the possibility to adjust the punch arrival position.
During the forging tests carried out with our customers from all over the world, the dimensional statistical analyses carried out on the produced samples (batches of thousands of pieces) have demonstrated that Cp and Cpk parameters were always abundantly and stably higher than one.
The complex geometries or the parts dimensions are not a problem.
How could we maintain the forging industrial process stable on our ME Hydraulic Presses?
- Mecolpress presses are equipped with Calipso software for operative parameters setting and their continuous control. Calipso, software entirely developed by Mecolpress, allows you to control the main process parameters in real time (forging forces, position, speed, …). Even before measuring the pieces, it is possible to understand if the forging process is stable and guarantees constant performance.
- Our presses are designed with advanced calculation systems (FEM) which allow to predict the rigidity of the components with the utmost precision, minimizing their deformations, even if subjected to high loads.
=> Cp under control
- We have designed our hot forging presses in order to have the highest possible dies closing force and maximum punch thrust force.
=> Cp under control
- The stroke adjustment of the individual punches occurs in real time, thus allowing the related dimensions to be modified during production.
=> Cp under control
- The long experience in dies design and the collaboration with the best specialized companies in the sector have allowed us to create the dies with extreme accuracy, in order to guarantee stable production of the pieces.
=> Cp under control
For over 60 years MCE – Mostra Convegno Expocomfort (Milan) has been a key event for innovative air conditioning and energy efficiency technologies.
Companies that design, build and install systems for the heating and air conditioning of industrial, civil and commercial environments meet to exchange experiences, find new Customers and strengthen collaborative relationships.
The value of the global HVAC market is estimated at more than 200 billion dollars and is expected to reach close to 300 billion in 2027. The increase in “smart” applications in the construction of buildings, the demand for increasingly efficient systems to deal with growth in energy costs, the greater demand for cooling systems in areas where they were not previously necessary, drive this growth in value.
INNOVATION, SUSTAINABILITY and ENERGY EFFICIENCY will be the cornerstones of this edition which will combine digital events and in-person meetings. The former facilitate the reduction of distances and communication ease, the latter allow us to consolidate relationships and better understand needs.

Looking forward to meeting you at MCE – Mostra Convegno Expocomfort
12-15 March 2024
at Milan Exhibition at booth T22 Hall 4 Milan Exhibition, Rho (MI)
Concurrently with the presence at Milan Exhibition, Mecolpress has decided to inaugurate some Open House days and give you the opportunity to see some of our machines directly in our factory.
All our last and innovative mechanical presses (HEAVY\SEO), hydraulic presses (ME) and screw presses (FDS\TDS) will be available to be seen in assembly/testing phase.
Looking forward to meeting you in Mecolpress on the occasion of our Open Days
11-15 March 2024
For further information and to get a free entry ticket to MCE Exhibition, contact us on +39 030 2560110 or write to us at sales@mecolpress.com
Exhibitions 2024: Mecolpress at AHR (U.S.A.)

AHR 2024
The largest event in the HVACR industry returns to Chicago.
Three days dedicated to the latest energy saving solutions and sustainable technology in the field of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
It will be held from 22 to 24 January 2024, in Chicago at McCormick Place .
We look forward to seeing you at our Booth: South Building – Stand S10262
Mecolpress presents the latest innovations in the field of brass hot forging:
- SEO and Heavy mechanical eccentric presses from 320 to 600 tons, high productivity up to 40 strokes per minute.
- ME series hydraulic presses: flash-free forging with significantly reduced energy consumptions.
- Direct drive screw presses: suitable to produce parts having complex geometry!
Augmented Reality, the press just a click away
On our booth it will be possible to view two presses in Augmented Reality: ME and Heavy series.
This technology allows to overlap multimedia information on the reality framed by the camera of your mobile device, smartphone and/or tablet, enriching the vision of the surrounding space with additional digital contributions.
Get your free admission ticket
To facilitate the visit and access in safety, it is appropriate to register to get the free admission ticket.
You can request it by simply filling out this form:
Reduced energy consumptions with the new hydraulic ME presses
The new Mecolpress ME hydraulic presses grant reduced energy consumptions.
How did we get to achieve this goal?
Mecolpress has been working with its customers for more than 50 years providing the best forging technologies that allow to maximize the quality of the products and the related productivity.
The forging process improvement needs do not always seem to proceed in the same direction:
- the energy consumption reduction requires the reduction of the installed power;
- the high productivity and the raw material reduction require increasing installed powers.
Our customers and partners are dealing with this conflict and are wondering how to come out as winners.
“Which is the most abundant existing source of energy? the least polluting, least expensive, most immediately available one: that is, energy saving …”
Piero Angela
What does Mecolpress propose to grant in the same page reduced energy consumptions and high productivity?
Mecolpress is not afraid of challenges, indeed it knows that these represent an opportunity to grow and improve.
Thanks to the continuous and accurate control system, Mecolpress presses determine and memorize the process parameters at every fraction of a second, i.e. the minimum force and speed requirements to obtain a certain product with the best characteristics. Under these values it is not possible to obtain an acceptable product.
Our long experience has allowed us to evaluate numerous forging cases, from small connectors of ½” up to large valves/water meters of more than 2”, in standard and lead-free brass grades.
To reduce power when it is not needed and to maximize it when it is needed! This is the secret.
The forging process control system
The press control system learns (ADAPTIVE CYCLE) the trend of the forging cycle and regulates the pressure and the flow of the oil (REGENERATIVE CYCLE) in order to get as close as possible to the minimum forging force. A reasonable safety margin is maintained in order to compensate for eventual external parameters variation (billet temperature, material quality, dimensional tolerances, …).
During the forging cycle Mecolpress press will have three phases: power reduction, transition, maximum power.
We monitored the flash-free forging process of the body of a 1 1/4″ ball valve with a productivity of 12 pieces per minute, therefore 720 pieces per hour.
Thanks to the ADAPTIVE-REGENERATIVE cycle the energy consumption is reduced by 50%, reaching an average consumption of 45kWh.
But let’s not forget the other advantages acquired:
- production capacity more than doubled compared to the traditional cycle,
- high repeatability of the piece quality (cp>2),
- constant compliance (cpk>1.33) with very tight dimensional tolerances (± 0.1),
- minimized material consumption thanks to over 6% flash-free forging,
- improved workability thanks to a more uniform internal conformation,
- increased product quality thanks to the elimination of internal defects.
EMO 2023
EMO 2023
EMO is the world machine tools trade fair which is hosted by Italy and Germany and which this year will be held in Hannover from 18 to 23 September 2023.
Undisputed leader in the panorama of sector trade shows, EMO best represents the articulated world of metalworking, showing the best of vision and innovation.
Tooling machines, robots, enabling technologies and automations, solutions for the networked and digital factory, additive manufacturing and green innovations will be among the key players of EMO 2023.
Mecolpress as global leader in hot forging technology cannot miss this important event.
It will be a very important opportunity to meet our Customers and the new potential ones.
Mecolpress sales team and technical staff will be glad to welcome you in person to evaluate your requests and offer you our competitive solutions.
Mecolpress presents the latest innovations related to forging technologies:
- SEO and HEAVY eccentric mechanical presses from 320 to 600 tons, high productivity up to 40 strokes per minute.
- Hydraulic presses of ME series: flash-free forging with outstanding reduced energy consumptions.
- Direct drive screw presses: to produce parts of complex geometry.
Mecolpress innovations
The fair will be a useful opportunity to get to know the latest proposals regarding:
- reduction of raw materials consumption;
- reduction of electricity consumption;
- high production capacity and flexibility in product changes;
- continuous quality control of the forging process;
- operative continuity thanks to after-sales service.
Augmented Reality, the press just a click away
On our stand you will be able to view 2 presses in Augmented Reality: ME and the Heavy presses.
This technology allows you to overlap multimedia information on the reality framed by the camera of your mobile device, smartphone and/or tablet, enriching the view of the surrounding environment with additional contributions in digital format.
We are waiting for you: Hall 13 Booth D060
Get your free admission ticket
To facilitate the visit and access safely, it is advisable to register to obtain the free admission ticket.
You can request it by simply filling out this form:
Smart Brass Forging
We report the article below FIA Magazine, the Forging Industry Association, that speacks of us.
Smart Brass Forging
By Danilo Fagnani
MECOLPRESS started their activities in Brescia (Italy) more than 50 years ago, in 1969, providing solutions for the hot brass forging industry. MECOLPRESS then widened its portfolio including hot forging steel, aluminium, titanium, and special alloy applications. MECOLPRESS is now offering the most modern technologies available for mechanical (HEAVY family), hydraulic (ME Family) and screw driven (TDS, FPN family) presses.
The region of Brescia, located East of Milan, is generally considered the cradle of brass production, at least 20% of the total world production is firmly located here. The Brescia region is still able to compete with Chinese brass manufacturers (35% of the brass total world production) even if the production costs are not comparable in terms of manpower, energy and etc… The secret of this success is the know-how of the full brass production chain, industrially started from the 19th century, from melting process passing through forging then achieving the final product completion. MECOLPRESS was born and built in this interesting and dynamic environment, participating and contributing to solve the main challenges of brass producers (Smart Brass Forging).
These challenges are cyclically recurring in the market, and they can be summarized as follows:
- raw materials availability and costs;
- high variability in the market for parts from the peaks of high demand to small lots with frequent parts changeovers;
- difficulties to find the necessary manpower, from highly skilled operators, to maintenance technicians, to standard operations workers;
- availability to grant the best products quality reducing the non- compliant ones;
- reduction of the energy consumption approaching the green economy
MECOLPRESS is supplying to the market the most powerful hydraulic presses (ME family) offering horizontal\vertical coring performances achieving:
- flash-less forging;
- reduced part material thicknesses;
- deeper and deeper punch coring
These features drive achieving parts with less weight and avoiding any further downstream process as trimming. ME hydraulic presses family (more than 60 units supplied from 2010) has standard sizes:
- 100 to 500t as die closure force
- 30 to 350t of punch coring force
The coring punches have independent movement guiding and optimizing the flow of material inside the die’s cavity. The punches forces, speeds, displacement sequences can be flexibly implemented in the HMI operator panel depending by the products to be forged (Smart Brass Forging). One of the four horizontal punches can be orientable (without losing coring force!) with the variable angle from from 0 to 45° allowing sloping coring for the parts.
The ME family hydraulic presses grant production performances that, depending by the equipment size, can reach up to 30 cycles per minute and they allow to forge multiple parts per stroke, throughout of some thousands of parts per hour is easily achievable. This will allow to complete productions lots is shortest time even if they are relevant in the number of parts to be reached. If the market conditions are changing and the market moves to lower number of parts per lot with frequent shifting between the products, the quick dies changing system will allow to dramatically reduce the down time. The fully automatic tools locking\unlocking and the servo-moved supporting arms allow one operator to accomplish the change in the quickest time (about 15-20min), in the complete safety conditions and without the help of any tools (Smart Brass Forging).
Mecolpress ME Next Generation series hydraulic press hot forging EG coring tool
The MECOLPRESS policy to reserve relevant stock of spare parts for all the presses that have been supplied is a key point to avoid unwanted down time in case of maintenance of the equipment.
Mecolpress ME Next Generation series hydraulic press outstanding parts weight reduction
MECOLPRESS is developing all of the control software for the presses: CALIPSO (Smart Brass Forging). This user interface is based on a touch screen model, it is very easy and intuitive, and it has been developed in several different languages; it allows any end user operator to work with continuity on the press and it does not require any particular skills or knowledge. Many functions have been simplified as input parameter requests to reduce the human factor effect in the press working conditions. CALIPSO defines and controls automatically all the ME family presses operations, from raw material loading up to forged parts unloading. The main parameters of each product receipt are saved in the internal memory, and can be easily retrieved for future production and transferred to customer MES\MRP. The press has an Ethernet OPC-UA connection module that grants this function as well the remote teleservice assistance by the MECOLPRESS technicians.
The MECOLPRESS R&D department is able to define the optimized process parameters and/or the best die geometry through FEA software which allows them to analyze both material flow and forging force. This on-demand service is appreciated by customers who are searching for a reliable supplier.
ME hydraulic presses can be paired with all types of furnaces: billets, bars, natural gas, electric induction, keeping in mind that the reliability on the heating temperature, the billet weight tolerance and the material metallurgical microstructure properties are key parameters to grant effective flash-less process success.
High production capacity, flexibility to switch from one product to another and high equipment reliability vanish if the forging process is not under full control. CALIPSO software is leading the game supporting the customers to control, with minimal effort. The forging forces, punches displacement parameters and sequencies, billets temperature, and so on can be monitored in the maximum\ average values or continuously during the working cycle. The desired thresholds can be set in the system to monitor the trends of the parameters and if any mismatch is found, the parts can be diverted automatically to the dedicated collecting box for further checking.
MECOLPRESS is fully committed to be an effective part of the green transition of the industry, reducing the energy consumption, pollution emission, and media consumption. This application shall not decrease or compromise the outstanding powerful performances of the ME family presses. CALIPSO and in-house engineering are the main characters of this target:
- hydraulic auto-adaptive regenerative function circuits;
- ECO mode for working pressure optimization;
- actuators optimized geometry;
- flexible set up of the operating pressure;
- AC frequency converters\variable flow hydraulic pumps;
- CALIPSO software that learns from experience optimizes the working parameters without relevant operator required intervention (Smart Brass Forging)
Mecolpress ME Next Generation series hydraulic press main view
These points collaborate to reduce the energetic consumption up to 50% in comparison with standard technology presses.
The dies lubrication system, very important in the flash-less forging, is using innovative pipe to pipe technology supplying alternative air and oil flows just with the needed quantities. All the dies lubrication parameters are set into the control software and up to 30 points can be reached; they can be integrated into the dies or with external nozzles. The proper pumps are installed on the machine bottom to collect all the remaining quantity of oil avoiding any overflow. The press lubrication is selective and only the components active are reached by the media, proper collecting box avoid leaking. No more waste of fluids!
Pressa idraulica Mecolpress ME Next Generation: esempi di particolari stampati a caldo senza bava
Mecolpress ME Next Generation series hydraulic press four parts flash less hot forging examples
The innovative suction hood embedded in the press structure collects the emission very close to the sourcing point, decreasing any possible spread into the environment and granting the best cabinet inside view of the process to the operators.
As all MECOLPRESS products, the ME series fulfills the most severe international safety standards and can be produced in compliance with North American and Canadian ones.
Danilo Fagnani Sales Manager Mecolpress
Danilo Fagnani Sales Manager Mecolpress Spa
Phone: +39-030-2560110
Email: d.fagnani@mecolpress.com
CastForge 2022
Castforge Exhibition from 21 to 23 June in Stuttgart.
Today costumers of the “Casting and Forging” field are looking for high-quality products ready for installation. As complexity and specific requests are constantly increasing, it is essential to stay on top with the latest news.
This Exhibition represents an important opportunity to meet face to face and discuss these topics in one of the largest markets in Europe.
For this reason, from 21 to 23 June 2022 Mecolpress will be in Stuttgart at Castforge (Stand 5B57).
Augmented Reality, the press just a click away
On our stand it will be possible to view 2 Augmented Reality presses: ME hydraulic press and Heavy Mechanical Forging Presses.
This technology allows to add the multimedia virtual information to the actual view that is captured by the camera of mobile device, smartphone and/or tablet, enriching the surrounding viewing with additional digital contents.
Get your free ticket
To facilitate the visit and access in safety, it is appropriate to register to get the free admission ticket.
You can request it by simply filling out this form:
BIEMH Bilbao 2022
This event will be held at the Bilbao exhibition centre from 13 to 17 June 2022.
Mecolpress will present its latest technological innovations regarding metal forging.
Besides Spanish companies also international ones will be participating in this event, operating in sectors such as: metallurgy, welding, articles and equipment, machine tools, technological solutions, and much more.
You can find us in Pavilion n°5 Stand D34
Augmented Reality, the press just a click away
On our stand it will be possible to view 2 Augmented Reality presses: ME hydraulic press and Heavy Mechanical Forging Presses.
This technology allows to add the multimedia virtual information to the actual view that is captured by the camera of mobile device, smartphone and/or tablet, enriching the surrounding viewing with additional digital contents.
Get your free ticket
To facilitate the visit and access in safety, it is appropriate to register to get the free admission ticket.
You can request it by simply filling out this form:
Exhibitions 2022: Mecolpress at GLOBAL INDUSTRIE (France)
Global Industrie Paris 2022
In three editions, Global Industrie has established itself as one of the leading exhibitions in the world dedicated to industry.
Its resolutely modern positioning geared both to the industry of the future and to international business explains the success encountered by its previous editions held in even years in Paris and odd years in Lyon. A geographical diversification which enables it to enhance both its offer and the variety of its visitors.
Global Industrie returns to the capital from the 17th to the 20th of May, at Paris Nord Villepinte.
We are waiting for you Stand 6M91
Augmented Reality, the press just a click away
On our stand it will be possible to view 2 Augmented Reality presses: ME hydraulic press and Heavy Mechanical Forging Presses.
This technology allows to add the multimedia virtual information to the actual view that is captured by the camera of mobile device, smartphone and/or tablet, enriching the surrounding viewing with additional digital contents.
Get your free admission ticket
To facilitate the visit and access safely, it is advisable to register to get the free admission ticket.
You can request it by simply filling out this form: